The Tech is not simply a broadcaster of all opinions that happen to come from Caltech students. All opinions are not created equal, and they should not be treated as such.
Caltech Faculty members have begun reevaluating the relevance of the Honor Code in their classrooms because they are losing faith in the ability of the student body to fulfill their responsibilities to the Honor Code. Students are worried about the state of the Honor Code because they think they are the only ones following it, believing faculty and administrative offices on campus are not held accountable for honor code violations.
What a lovely 3-D surface plot. You can really tell that there’s data there and some of it is different from the other data. Place your bets now about what data it is!
A couple months ago, on the front page of my very first issue of the Tech as Editor-in-Chief, I ran an article titled ‘Fizz Asserts Control’. This was meant to be a hilarious callback to previous years’ “April Fools” issues of the Tech.
Caltech’s meal plan is mandatory for all students living on campus and the default plan will cost $8,259 next year. Joe Kim takes on why this should not and does not need to be the case.
“Esprit de corps” literally translated means a feeling of pride or a common loyalty. This phase interpreted into an educational setting means something more common, and simple. It is school spirit!
Since the very first day I stepped foot on campus for winter term, I knew Fizz was going to be nothing but trouble. No worthwhile product has ever been advertised with colorful cardstock flyers delivered to doorsteps.