ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting Minutes for April 9, 2023

ASCIT Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes for April 9, 2023. Taken by Jonathan Booker.
Officers Present: Kavya Rajagopalan, Gabi Twombly, Sophie Elam, Shwetha Kunnam, Rachel Ding, Matticus Brown
Call to Order: 7:04
Officer’s Reports:
President (Kavya)
- Bylaw Amendments
- BoC Amendment: Increases the number of BoC Secretaries to 4.
- Tech Amendment: Tech funding/payment requires BoD Approval.
- Dues Amendment: Increase the dues from $33 to $40 a term.
- Security Concerns:
- Potential incident after Lloyd Interhouse.
- Issues with Allied Security and their time response.
- Problem delegated to VPNAA.
V.P. of Academic Affairs (Twombly)
- SFC:
- Engagement is down from last year.
- April 18th.
- There was an issue with ORE not submitting the Effects of Covid Survey to IRB.
- Please encourage students and facility to attend.
V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (Sophie)
- Appointments:
- Committee nominations have been made.
- Appointments will be made next week.
- Looking for nominations for IHC Athman.
Director of Operations (Swetha)
- Alumni Website to get donations from Alumni.
- Charity of the week will be determined later this week.
Treasurer (Rachel)
- ORE has not gotten back on the work order.
Social Director (Matticus)
- ASCIT Formal
- It is this Friday.
- A lot of people have not paid.
- Everything is set, we just have to pay for busses.
- Social Directors / BoD will help with loading buses.
Secretary (Jonathan)
- Tech Editor appointments have been made.