The Caltech Men’s Soccer team has been having a groundbreaking season this year, displaying a level of excellence and resilience that has made the institute proud. Their prowess on the field has been nothing short of phenomenal, displaying a level of excellence and resilience that has resonated across the campus.
In the mystical realm of Yosemite National Park, where towering sequoias whisper tales of centuries past and granite giants stand as stoic sentinels to the whims of time, a brave band of Caltech students - prefrosh, returning undergrads, and grad students - embarked on a four-day backpacking and camping odyssey as a part of the annual Caltech Y hiking trip.
Last Wednesday, September 27th 2023, the Caltech Grad Researchers and Postdocs United (CGPU) held a New Year, New Union rally to demonstrate that a supermajority of graduate students and postdocs at Caltech support forming a union.
[TW: Eating disorders, starvation] For me, it was a comment from my dad that planted the seed. My friends watered it. Social media gave it light. I nurtured it myself at times, until it broke through the one thing I swore I would protect: my curiosity, my joy, my desire to learn.
What a lovely 3-D surface plot. You can really tell that there’s data there and some of it is different from the other data. Place your bets now about what data it is!
The firing of the Fleming Cannon is a tradition that is supposed to bring pride and joy to the hearts of students every year and mark the progression of time from the end of rotation to the end of every term. However, for many students, the sound of the Fleming Cannon carries a heavy burden, evoking memories of a past they had hoped to leave behind when they came to Caltech.
On January 21, the Caltech graduate student body received an email entitled “Campus Poll to Protect Wildlife”. The email, for those unfamiliar, provided a link to a poll where students could report concentrations of Fox squirrels on campus so that “yield to wildlife” road signs could be put up in strategic squirrel locations.
Dear Orange, What is this column about? I’m new to Caltech and don’t know much about this paper, or Caltech at all for that matter. Please tell me more. Sincerely, Curious
Last year, members of ASCIT, which is the entirety of all undergraduate students at Caltech, voted to raise dues from $33 per an academic term to $40 per an academic term by an overwhelming margin.
The Caltech experience for women and non-binary folks is undeniably influenced by the fact that the majority of people at this school are men. Only in the past few decades has the undergraduate gender ratio at Caltech approached some semblance of balance. Enrollment statistics for Fall 2022 show that 55% of undergraduates are male. Not too shabby for an all-STEM institution.
Following up on the success of the first two films (which premiered in 2002 and 2016), My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 cashes in on fans’ nostalgia and the chemistry the cast possesses.
In 1988, Mobil Oil Field foreman Michele Judd stood on top of an oil platform in Paso Robles, California. She did not give much thought to the day ending or the stars coming out. To Judd, this simply signified that the workday was finishing and most of her workers would be heading home, leaving just a skeleton crew to work through the night. But years later, she remembers looking up into the darkening sky, wondering what it would be like working on projects high in space rather than working with materials deep in the earth.
SPECTRE library has long featured a life-sized mannequin of Anakin Skywalker. Short, remarkably detailed, and notoriously startling, Anakin is an iconic part of Caltech’s sci-fi library and well-known among South Hovse students.
LOS ANGELES, CA / Highland Park (June 29, 2023) – UC Berkeley Biologist Gabriel Richard Trujillo was shot and killed on June 19, 2023 in the mountains of Sonora, Mexico, as he gathered plant samples for his Ph.D. research on the evolutionary origins of Buttonwillow and how the plant could be used for wetland habitat restoration.
He was originally from Arizona, and moved as a child with his family to Michigan.
2023 Undergraduate Acacdemic Awards Jin Ming Koh, a senior in Physics and Computer Science will receive the 2023 George W. Housner Prize for Academic Excellence and Original Research at commencement. This award is given to seniors in the upper 20% of their class for an outstanding piece of original scientific research.
Elsa Palumbo, a senior Astrophysics and Physics, and Pavlos Stavrinides, a senior in Applied and Computational Mathematics will share the 2023 George W.
As a Caltech student, I do tend to eat at least some of my meals on-campus. And, like any other living person, I have likes and dislikes. Being the chair of the Food Committee, I feel the urge to give some shout-outs to the best food on campus served recently, so I thought I’d write an article for the Tech doing so.