Songs to Survive a Heatwave To

Songs to Survive a Heatwave To

The academic year is here, and with it, a playlist to remind you why you can be glad summer is over! As many of you may be aware (some of you probably much more than you’d like to be), numerous parts of the world experienced intense heat waves over the past few months.
Sitting Down with Mellow Drama

Sitting Down with Mellow Drama

Caltech isn’t particularly accustomed to non-academic drama; just take a look at this edition’s front page. Mellow Drama, however, is a Caltech quintet, setting out to prove that we could all do with just a little bit of rock and roll lighting up our music scene.
Art and Photography Spotlight

Art and Photography Spotlight

From top to bottom, left to right: “Sunset Road” by Audrey Wong, “Cliffside Forest” by Juan Luchsinger, “GDBG” by Sophie Gershaft, Albert Huang, and Toby Thomassen, and “Galaxy” by Sylvia Wang.